Including the Library
Once the library has been installed, you may include it as shown below.
#include <EasyButton.h>
EasyButton Class
The library exposes the EasyButton class. Create an instance of the class for every button that you have connected.
#define PWR_BTN_PIN 26
#define RST_BTN_PIN 27
EasyButton powerButton(PWR_BTN_PIN);
EasyButton resetButton(RST_BTN_PIN);
The following arguments can be passed to the class constructor.
#define PWR_BTN_PIN 26
uint8 debounce = 40;
bool pullup = false;
bool invert = false;
EasyButton powerButton(PWR_BTN_PIN, debounce, pullup, invert);
Argument | Data Type | Required? | Default Value | Description |
pin | uint8_t | yes | n/a | Arduino pin number where the button is connected. |
debounce_time | uint32_t | no | 35 | Period of time to make sure the pushbutton is definitely pressed. Please refer to debounce. |
pullup_enable | bool | no | true | Enable internal pullup resistor. Please refer to digital pins. If using ESP32, please see the note below. |
invert | bool | no | true | Invert button logic. If true, low = pressed else high = pressed. Please refer to invert. |
If using ESP32, be aware that some of the pins does not have software pull-up/pull-down functionalities. In that case, use an external pull-up resistor, 10K works well. Please refer to Pull-up Resistors.
Initializing a button
Initialize the button by calling the method begin
within the setup
void setup() {
Update Button State
Continuously read the state of the button.
void loop() {;
External interrupts
Defining interruption service routine
void buttonISR()
//When button is being used through external interrupts, parameter INTERRUPT must be passed to read() function;
Enabling external interrupt
if (powerButton.supportsInterrupt())
EasyButton allows you to attach callback functions to certain button events. Use callback functions to run specific code when the event gets triggered. Attach callback functions within the setup function.
void onPressed() {
Serial.println("Power button has been pressed!");
void setup() {
// onPressed function will be called when the onPressed event of the button gets triggered.